Use the online compiler for convenience and speed.
Local Installation
A local install of the compiler on your Mac allows you to work offline, include Lexon in your build chain, and protects against bit rot.
It is easy and quick if you are comfortable with the terminal. You might get it to work even if you are not, following the installation steps closely.
The compiler is light and fast. Compile times will be sub-second on your machine.
There will be a Linux version but there are no plans for a Windows version. If you plan to host an installation, be sure to comply with AGPL 3.0.
If you can't get it to work, use the online compiler instead of losing too much time and nerves. It's worth it to learn how to use the terminal and to try again once you did that.
Compiler version: 0.3 alpha 91, grammar 0.2.20 / subset 0.3.8 alpha 79 - English / Reyes
MD5: 703a91601efa5b09bc47c2c4f91ab497.
Lexon and the Lexon compiler are licensed to you under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (AGPL3), as found at
Download >If you downloaded the compiler before, your Mac will name the new version lexon-1 or lexon (1) etc. in your downloads folder. Be sure to use the right file in the following. E.g., delete the old file 'lexon' and rename the newest download to 'lexon'.
Validate the downloaded file:
Start the terminal that you find at Applications ➞ Utilities ➞ Terminal.
% md5 ~/Downloads/lexon
Compare with the MD5 checksum above.
Move the compiler to your binaries folder, e.g.:
% sudo mv ~/Downloads/lexon /usr/local/bin/
Set execution permissions, e.g.:
% sudo chmod 111 /usr/local/bin/lexon
Version Check
Check the installation:
Compare with the version information given above.
% lexon --version
Create a new folder for you work, e.g.:
% cd && mkdir lexon && cd lexon
Copy an example Lexon text into a file example.lex:
% curl > example.lex
Compile the example:
% lexon --solidity example.lex
Congratulations, you compiled your first Lexon text off-line.
Next Steps
List compiler options using --help:
% lexon --help
Check out the documentation to learn and create.